SMU - Southern Methodist University
SMU stands for Southern Methodist University
Here you will find, what does SMU stand for in Institution under Education category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Southern Methodist University? Southern Methodist University can be abbreviated as SMU What does SMU stand for? SMU stands for Southern Methodist University. What does Southern Methodist University mean?Southern Methodist University is an expansion of SMU
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Alternative definitions of SMU
- Singapore Management University
- Simula, Inc.
- Sailor Moon Universe
- Svenska Missionskyrkans Ungdom
- Special Make Up
- Scale Models Unlimited
- Suburban Multiple Unit
- Source Measurement Unit
View 48 other definitions of SMU on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SBP Skye Bank PLC
- SAA South African Airways
- SMG Swiss Medical Group
- SN State of Nebraska
- SLHS Saint Luke's Health System
- SCPS Seminole County Public Schools
- ST State of Texas
- STL Sify Technologies Limited.
- SM State of Missouri
- SEC Schindler Elevator Corporation
- SJU St. John's University
- SPG Simon Property Group
- SBG Saudi Binladin Group
- SMH St. Michael's Hospital
- SHS Summa Health System
- SCU Santa Clara University
- SIL Simplex Infrastructures Limited
- SPS Seattle Public Schools
- SHF Seton Healthcare Family
- SNU Seoul National University